mercredi 8 janvier 2014

Training with the warriors of Kerala

The 'training' part of my vacation has begun here in Kozhikhode also known as Calicut. Its the third largest city in Kerala after Trivandrum and Ernakulam also known as Cochin. I am staying at the CVN Kalari center, a well known Kalari training center that has a strong reputation and has won many prizes and disctinctions. I will be here for 4 weeks following a twice daily martial art series as well as a once daily massage training. The living conditions are pretty basic, the city is not the most charming but I do not have much leasure time anyway as most spare time is spent resting as the training is very simple but extremely physical so not as easy as it looks. It mainly involves repetitive leg swaying in various directions. It looks easy, but its not,it stretches you in all directions, it helps with balance and stamina and makes me sweat a lot. My legs are aching but its doing me good and of course my level is, well, basic and my legs just about make it above 90 degrees when the average are above 150 and the best probably just past the 180 mark. But hey I will progress and already from session to session its moving forward. My morning session is pretty much alone as I only start at 7:30 when most of the regulars finish their session. In the afternoon I train with the kids of various levels or at least i observe in awe at some of their physical capabilities and continue painfully to try and get my legs to sway and go a little further. We also started some jumps and some animal postures, the horse and the elephant at this time. So hopefully by the end I will be able to act out the entire jungle book whilst dancing the french cancan as my ambition is definately not to go to combat with these warriors.

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